
Podcasts that will help you learn the language

English language podcasts are an excellent way to learn English quickly.You can listen to them anytime and anywhere—at your desk or while you’re on the move. And, what better way to pass the time during a long commute than by immersing yourself in an entertaining podcast?

With a little dedication, English language podcasts can help you quickly improve your listening skills and level. One perk is that podcasts often have transcripts (a written version of the audio). This means that you can listen and read at the same time, or look at a transcript if one part of a podcast confuses you.

Here are my favourites:

1.The English We Speak by BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) (iTunes | website)

These podcasts are published weekly, and each one has a bite-sized duration of three to four minutes. This English language learning podcast series focuses on everyday phrases and slang.

English is spoken at a slightly slower speed in these podcasts to make following along easier. Every syllable is enunciated (pronounced) clearly. And, the typical format involves two presenters having a conversation with each other. Sound effects are also frequently used to give the impression that the teachers/speakers are in different locations.

2.Luke’s English Podcast (iTunes | website)

Luke is a qualified English language teacher and stand-up comedian who provides an engaging and entertaining podcast series. His intention is to “make you laugh while you learn” and he provides a rich mix of subject material.

A quick look at the titles of some of the podcasts reveals such installments as “Doctor Who Episode—Language Analysis,” “The Prawn Story” and “English Premier League Football.”

For many of the podcasts, Luke is the sole narrator, although two-person or more conversations also occur. He has a warm, engaging voice that draws in the listener. The English is spoken at normal speed and transcripts are also available.

3.Voice of America Learning English (iTunes | website)

This is a wonderful podcast series that really mixes things up. There’s so much variety here that you’ll be really spoiled for choice (have a lot of choices).

Voice of America is an English language news and information service that provides a series of multi-genre (different themes or topics) programs in English. In the audio section, there’s a weekly global news program, a science documentary section, programs about the history of America and American life and a series on American English idioms.

All the programs are narrated in English and spoken at a reduced speed.

Voice of America is a great addition to your collection of learning tools as it adds variety to structured lessons and conversation exposure. As with conventional (standard) radio programs, each podcast is divided into segments and uses music and sound effects to provide a rich audio experience.

4.Better@English (iTunes | website)

Better @ English is an eclectic (diverse) mix of English language podcasts featuring real conversations with native speakers. The topics range from the serious to the silly and are conducted at normal speed.

Listening to real, natural-sounding conversations is a great supplement to classroom and textbook learning. Unlike anything else, this familiarizes the student with the pace of the language and some of its idioms and common expressions.
Better @ English is suitable for the intermediate student and above, or for the beginner who really wants to challenge themselves. These English language podcasts are accompanied by transcripts and vocabulary notes.

5.Podcasts in English (iTunes | website)

Variety is the “spice of life” (what makes life interesting) and that’s exactly what these terrific podcasts give you—spoken English in an assortment (variety) of settings. Who said language learning can’t be fun and exciting?

Podcasts in English is a comprehensive (complete) English language learning podcast series with programs for beginners, intermediates and upper intermediates. There are also podcasts for those who need to learn business English.

The short lessons are conducted (led) entirely in English and feature conversations between two English language speakers.

They cover a broad range of topics. Some of the subjects you may hear being discussed are the Winter Olympics, horseback riding experiences and Facebook. The podcasts are short, challenging and supported by transcripts, worksheets and vocabulary tasks.
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